To show possession, Arabic uses the إضافة idhāfa or the ‘genitive construct’. This simply refers to two words being linked together to show possession. The idhāfa is similar to ‘of’ (the King of Spain) or the possessive suffix ‘-’s’ (the teacher’s book) in English.
مَلِكُ إسبَانِيا | The King of Spain
مَطَارُ الهِندِ | The airport of India
بِنتُ الوَزِيرِ | The minister’s daughter
بَابُ البَيتِ | The door of the house
The idhāfa construction is extremely common in Arabic, and you will find it used repeatedly.
Grammar Rules
The first noun (mudhāf) does not accept the alif-lam (definite article) or nunation.
The second noun (mudhāf ilayhi) is always in the genitive case.
More Examples
تَأْويلُ الرُّؤْيَا (Interpretation of the dream)
مَلِكُ مِصْرَ (The King of Egypt)
مَالِكِ يَومِ الدِّين (The owner of the Day of Judgement)
كُلُّ يَوْمٍ (Every day)
مَكتَبَةُ المَدرَسَةِ (The school library)